Zero Gravity 3D

Setlists Feb 18, 2025

Zero Gravity 3D is the long-awaited third (and final!) installment in the Zero Gravity setlist series. Featuring 26 tiers of cheesy sci-fi goodness, including 4 full albums, there are 272 songs spanning a wide variety of genres and difficulties for all players to enjoy!

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Organizers & Helpers ឵឵
Spachi 3-UP Stickheadz32
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Charters ឵឵
3-UP 7777villain ArenEternal
BurpLeTurtle Caret Chezy
DarkWolf Deltarak doll
Froogs Haggis HattMeafy
highfine iZenPenguin jdurandTV
John Titor JRabes KhromaticScale
Miscellany MissMoo Nat
Peddy Raspberriel sherm.
Spachi Stickheadz32 Sygenysis
TFG Tris Unanswered Prayer
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Video Editors ឵឵


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