Redemption Arc

Setlists Jan 7, 2019
Download Backup download (Google Drive) Songlist / FC Tracker

100 songs. Full difficulties. Lyrics. High quality charts. The most complete and definitive Clone Hero setlist to date, brought to you by the team behind Anti Hero and Anti Hero: Beach Episode. Comprised entirely of old charts of ours that desperately needed fixing up.

Organizers ឵឵
Jaeden7060 m9 Siavash
Charters ឵឵
Arctan BigWhoopMagazine Chezy
CyclopsDragon DigitalSquirrel Dillski
gaebpls Jaded JoeyD
Miscellany Paturages Riddo
ThundahK torqqes XEntombmentX
Testers ឵឵
Kevin Y. Saxmanadam TRICKY_98


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