Max Altitude

Setlists Feb 25, 2022

Ready to ascend?

Max Altitude is a Clone Hero setlist with a wide-ranging focus on alternative rock genres! Anything ranging from chilled-out shoegaze to the most outlandish noise rock has a place on Max Altitude! Conceptualized in February of 2019 by torqqes, Max Altitude is finally ready to be released, thanks to the help of many other wonderful charters!

Featuring 130 songs from a wide variety of alternative rock genres, spanning 12 tiers (each with an accompanying Artist Spotlight tier containing 3 songs from a selected artist), Max Altitude is sure to please any alternative rock fan—and any Clone Hero player, for that matter.

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Organisers ឵឵
torqqes Smoochums
Charters ឵឵
7777Villain Aren Eternal Caret
CyclopsDragon Haggis iZenPenguin
NeroSomething Raspberriel Smoochums
Supradyke ThundahK torqqes
Vasasasasa XEntombmentX
Testers ឵឵
ArcaedionLight (Krystal) JasonParadise randyladyman


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