The Hirsch Effekt - Eskapist

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Genre: Progressive Metal/Mathcore
Avg. difficulty: 3-4

Diese Charts gehen raus an die vielleicht noch fünf Leute im deutschsprachigen Raum, die ebenfalls Clone Hero spielen. Seriously though, if you do not understand German, it's entirely reasonable if this album might not be as accessible to you as the other ones. However, it is highly recommended to give it a try despite the language barrier, since you will find a wide array of genres with songs ranging from soft indie rock to chaotic and very agressive mathcore on Eskapist, while being influenced by an even wider collection of genres such as jazz, hardcore punk, death metal, black metal and grindcore. The song Xenophotopia, for example, has a section that could easily fit the grand finale of a classic western movie. Lyrically, the album deals with all forms of escapism and escaping, with its main focus being on the European migrant crisis of 2015 and its impact on European culture and politics, the resulting xenophobia, racism and right-wing conspiracies.

Charted by Chezy