S Hero

Setlists Jun 18, 2022

S Hero is a setlist organized by Peddy, exclusively featuring songs which have titles starting with the letter S. Though it might sound like a silly idea, this setlist contains a vast amount of charts spanning all kinds of genres, totaling up to over 20 hours of music for you to enjoy!

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Organisers & Charters ឵឵
Peddy iZenPenguin
--- --- ---
Charters ឵឵
3-UP 7777Villain BurpLeTurtle
Chezy GuitarZero132 HattMeafy
Inixix jdurandTV Mintorment
Miscellany OHM OrangeHat
Raspberriel Spachi Sygenysis
TFG85 torqqes XEntombmentX


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