Protest the Hero - Volition

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Genre: Progressive Metal
Avg. difficulty: 4-5

Volition was Protest the Hero's first album not to be released through any label. Instead, it was financed via the crowdfunding platform IndieGoGo, where they met and exceeded their goal of $125,000 CAD. Due to the departure of their former drummer Moe Carlson, they hired Chris Adler from Lamb of God to perform drums on the recording. Musically, you can expect PTH's classic sound of guitar-driven progressive craziness with Rody Walker's heavenly voice to top everything off. Volition's lyrical themes are almost as broad as its variety of guitar work, with some of the themes being the pitbull ban in Ontario, rape culture, fake attitudes of rock singers, the life of playing in a band and being on tour, and a love letter towards the Canadian island of Newfoundland.

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