I Am Abomination - To Our Forefathers

Song Packs and Full Albums Mar 3, 2018
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Genre: Metalcore/Post-Hardcore
Avg. difficulty: 3

There's really not that much to say about this album besides that it is an absolute blast. To Our Forefathers has a rather unique metalcore sound, with vocalist Phil Druyor almost exclusively using his amazing range of non-screamed vocals. On top of that, their music is very guitar-focused, with almost every song containing a solo, something that is hardly to be found in modern metalcore releases. Honestly, guitarist Nick Sampson, who went on to produce albums for Born of Osiris, We Came as Romans, Asking Alexandria or Polyphia, does not hide his immense talent in songwriting and shredding on this record. All things considered, these are just very fun songs to play and to listen to. Lyrically, the song's themes are influenced by motives from history and conspiracy theories, with the last song thematically leading towards their follow-up EP Passion of the Heist.

Charted by Chezy


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