Dance Hero Dance - Pack 1


I (moopuns) hate the game, but I'll say the name -- It's Dance Gavin Dance!

Introducing the first pack of the Dance Hero Dance setlist! DHD is a full-band discography for Dance Gavin Dance charted by moopuns, set to release in twelve installments. That's 10 albums, 1 EP, and all singles! Get ready to take a sip from the drain for the first pack, a hand-picked selection from each of their releases including the single, "War Machine".

Upcoming selections will include the story of the Robot With Human Hair, the Strawberry Swisher saga, both Tree City Sessions, and full-album charts for the whole band. All songs have a co-op and rhythm chart, designated for both guitars panned left and right, as well as the Lead chart which combines both guitars for one enjoyable experience!

In addition, I am looking for guest charters to chart some bonus songs/artists for this pack series! Feel free to DM me on Discord (moopuns).

Organizer & Charter ឵឵